

本書立足于中國城鄉一體化不斷加快的時代背景,根據“兩型社會”建設的總體目標,把轉變農業發展方式納入到“兩型社會”建設和推進工業化、城鎮化、農業現代化協調發展的大格局中在深入把握國內外現代農業發展的前沿變化和時代要求的基礎上,突出中國特色和“兩型”主線,沿著“多重目標→實現途徑→制度創新”的分析路徑,著力于資源環境約束下轉變中國農業發展方式的多重目標、內生動力、實現途徑、支撐體系等問題研究,以湖南長株潭“兩型社會”改革試驗區和“農村信息化示范省”的實踐為實證,以實現國家糧食安全、資源節約、農村生態環境治理與保護、農產品質量安全、農民增收與農業增效、國民經濟可持續發展為目標,以農業發展的資源要素利用方式、生產體系、社會化服務、農業制度的加快轉變為研究核心,探索以農業科技創新為動力加快資源要素利用方式轉變、以“兩型”農業為導向的農業生產體系轉變、以農村信息化為突破的農業社會化服務體系轉變、以農業制度創新為引擎的政府農業職能轉變的中國農業發展方式轉變的有效途徑,構建起以“兩型”農業為戰略取向、以科技創新為第一推動力、以農村信息化為突破口、以農業制度創新為保障的“兩型社會”建設中轉變農業發展方式的理論框架,尋求 “兩型社會”建設導向下適合中國的特殊國情而又不同于歷史上西方工業化農業的新型農業現代化道路,從而超越西方工業化農業的歷史發展規范,直接進入現代農業發展的新階段——“兩型”農業的發展階段。



陳錫文 序一

蔡昉    序二

第一章    ... 8

第一節  問題的提出... 8

第二節  基本問題與主要內容... 14

第二章  農業發展方式:國內外相關理論探索... 18

第一節  新古典生產函數與農業發展方式:傳統農業發展的理論基礎及其后果    19

第二節  農業發展方式轉變:基于古典與新古典經濟學的考察... 23

第三節  農地制度與農業發展方式轉變:基于新制度經濟學的視角... 29

第四節  “兩型社會”與農業發展方式轉變:基于發展經濟學的考察... 35

第五節  現代農業發展新階段:國內“兩型”農業實踐與世界農業發展前沿... 44

第六節 “兩型社會”建設中轉變農業發展方式:當前局限與未來取向... 50

第三章  資源環境約束下多重目標的中國農業發展轉型... 52

第一節  資源環境約束下中國農業發展現狀... 52

第二節  “兩型社會”建設與農業發展轉型... 60

第三節  中國農業發展轉型的戰略方向:“兩型”農業... 65

第四節  兩型社會建設中農業發展轉型的多重目標... 77

第四章  以農業科技創新為核心的資源要素利用方式轉變... 86

第一節  科技創新與農業發展方式轉變... 86

第二節  勞動節約型技術創新、人力資源開發與提高勞動生產率... 92

第三節  資源節約型技術創新與提高資源利用率、土地產出率... 108

第四節  農村環境保護型技術創新與生產要素節約、農業可持續發展... 113

第五章  以“兩型”農業為導向的農業生產體系轉變... 124

第一節  構建以“兩型”農業為導向的農業產業體系... 124

第二節  構建以農產品質量保障為核心的農業標準化生產體系... 129

第三節  構建以生態環境保護為核心的農業面源污染防治體系... 140

第四節  構建以農田水利設為核心的防災減災體系... 153

第五節  構建以種質資源保護為核心的生物物種資源保護體系... 165

第六節 “兩型”農業綜合評價體系的建構及湖南評析... 174

第七節  全國“兩型社會”實驗區“兩型”農業發展長株潭實證研究... 194

第八節  農業大省農產品質量安全的湖南實證研究... 206

第六章 以農村信息化為突破的農業社會化服務體系轉變... 217

第一節  農村信息化是向農業社會化服務體系轉變的必然選擇... 217

第二節  “兩型社會”建設中農村信息化服務模式選擇... 222

第三節  農業科技成果轉化應用的信息化科技服務體系... 230

第四節  農業生產“兩型”轉型的信息化生產服務體系... 238

第五節  農產品流通高效化的信息化流通服務體系... 245

第六節  全國農村信息化示省的湖南實證研究... 253

第七章  農業“兩型”轉型的制度創新... 266

第一節  政府管理職能轉變與農業發展方式轉型... 266

第二節  以新型農民培育為方向的農村人才開發制度創新... 272

第三節  耕地資源有效利用與保護的土地流轉制度創新... 277

第四節  構建面向世界農業發展前沿的國家科技創新體系... 287

第五節  構建資源節約、環境保護的農業財政支持體系... 292

第六節  創新和完善農村金融機制與服務體系... 296

第七節  建立“兩型”農業生態環境治理和保護制度體系... 301

第八節  建立政府農產品質量監管和加工度引導的考評制度... 308

第九節  加快推進農業“兩型”轉型的農村社會管理創新... 312

主要參考文獻... 318





In an era of China’s rising urban-rural integration, the book include chang­i­ng the development mode of agriculture in strategic pattern of "two-oriented socie­t­y" construction and promoting the harmonious development among industrializa­ti­o­n, urbanization and agricultural modernization according to the general goal of "two-oriented society" construction. The book deeply master the cutting-edge c­h­ange and times requirement about the development of modern agriculture home and abroad, highlight Chinese characteristic and two-oriented thread, follow th­e a­nalysis approach ofMany targetsapproachessystem innovation”, put forth effort on researching questions, for example, Many targets, internal impetus, ap­p­roaches and support system of changing the development mode of agriculture wi­t­hin the constraints of resources and environment, and prove it by the practice of the construction of Chang-Zhu-Tan "two-oriented society"  reform zone and demo­n­s­tration provinces of rural informationization with an example from Hunan.  The book target achieving national food security, conserving resources, harnessin­g an­d protecting rural ecological environment, achieving agricultural product qualit­y sa­f­ety, increasing the peasant's income and agricultural benefits, and promoting s­u­stainable development of the national economy, regard accelerating the transfor­m­a­tion of the utilization mode of agricultural resource factors, systems of producti­o­n,  socialization service and agricultural systems as the core of studying, and  exp­l­ore effective approach to change the development mode of Chinese agriculture by achieving the transformation of the utilization mode of resource factors wi­t­h r­e­garding innovation in agricultural science and technology as a motivating force, a­c­hieving the transformation of agricultural systems of production toward two- ori­e­nted agriculture, achieving the transformation of agricultural socialization ser­v­ice with regarding rural informatization as a breakthrough, and achieving the tr­a­nsf­o­rmation of government function in agriculture with regarding agricultural s­y­ste­m innovation as an engine. The book compose a theory frame for the transfor­mat­i­on of the development mode of Chinese agriculture in construction of two-ori­e­nte­d society with regarding  two-oriented agriculture as a strategic direction, reg­a­rdi­n­g  two-oriented agriculture as a strategic direction, regarding scientific innov­a­tion as the first impetus, regarding rural informatization as a breakthrough, and r­egar­d­ing agricultural system innovation as a safeguard,  and explore a new type of agricultural modernization which is suit for the specific situation in china and diff­erent from the west's industrial style of farming. The new type of agricultura­l mo­dernization under the guidance of "two-oriented society" construction will s­u­rpas­s the norm of historical development of the west's industrial style of farming, and enter into the new stage of the Modem agricultural development, namely, the sta­g­e of two-oriented agriculture.



Chapter I  Contents  /8

1. The Problem of Research  /8

2. The Basic Problems and the Main Content Points  /14

Chapter Agricultural Development Mode: Relevant Theoretical Research at Home and Abroad  /18

1. The Neoclassical Production Functions and Agricultural Development Pattern: Theoretical Basis and Its Consequences of the Development of Traditional Agriculture  /19

2. The Transformation of Agricultural Development Pattern: Investigation Based on the Classic Occidental Economics and the Neoclassicism Economics  /23

3. The Farmland System and the Transformation of Agricultural Development Pattern Based on the Perspective of New Institutional Economics  /29

4. "Two-oriented" Society and the Transformation of Agricultural Development pattern Based on the Review of Development Economics  /35

5. The New Stage of the Development of Modern Agriculture: the Domestic Two-oriented Agricultural Practice and the Latest Development of World Agriculture  /44

6. The Transformation of Agricultural Development Pattern in the Construction of "Two-oriented society": the Current Limitation and Future Orientation  /50

Chapter   The Transformation of Chinese Agricultural Development of Multiple  Targets in Environmental Constrains  /52

1. The Development status of Chinese Agriculture in Environmental Constrains  /52

2. The Construction of "Two-oriented" Society and the Transformation of Agricultural Development  /60

3. The Strategic Direction of the Transformation of Chinese Agricultural Development: "Two-oriented" Agriculture  /65

4. Multiple Targets of the Transformation of Agricultural Development in Construction of "Two-oriented society"  /77

Chapter The Transformation of the Utilization Mode of Elements and Resources with the Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technology at the Core  /86

1. Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technology and the Transformation of Agricultural Development  /86

2. Innovation of Labor-saving Technology and Human Resources Development and Nurturing New Farmers  /92

3. Innovation of Resources-saving Technology and Increasing Resource Utilization Ratio and Land Productivity  /108

4. Innovation of Technology from Environmental Protection Perspective in Agriculture and Saving Production Factors and Realizing the Agricultural Sustainable Development  /113

Chapter The Transformation of "Two-oriented agriculture" -oriented Agricultural Production System  /124

1. Construct "Two-oriented agriculture"-oriented Agricultural Production System  /124

2. Construct the Agriculture Standardization Production System with Guaranteeing Agricultural Products’ Quality at the Core  /129

3. Construct the System of Agricultural Non-point Sources Pollution Prevention and Control with Preserving the Ecological Environment at the Core  /140

4. Construct the System of Disaster Prevention and Reduction with Constructing of Irrigation and Water Conservancy at the Core  /153

5. Construct the System of Biological Species Resources Protection with Protecting of Biological Germplasm Resources at the Core  /165

6. Construct the System of "Two-oriented agriculture" Comprehensive Evaluation and the Analysis of Hunan Province   /174

7. The Empirical Study of "Two-oriented agriculture" Development in Chinese " Two-oriented society " Experimentation Area with an Example from Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration  /194

8. The Empirical Study of Big Agricultural Province’ Agricultural Output Quality and Safety with an Example from Hunan Province  /206

Chapter The Transformation of Commercialized Rural Service System With Taking Agricultural Informationization as a Breakthrough  /217

1. Agricultural Informationization is the Inevitable Choice of the Transition to Commercialized Rural Service System  /217

2. The Choice of Agricultural Informationization Service Mode in Construction of "Two-oriented society"  /222

3. The System of Informationization-oriented Technology Service on the Basis of the Transformation of Agricultural Scientific and Technical Result  /230

4. The System of Informationization-oriented Production on the Basis of the "Two-oriented " Transformation of Agricultural Production  /238

5. The System of Informationization-oriented Circulation Service on the Basis of the Agricultural Products Circulation with High Efficiency  /245

6. An Empirical Study of Demonstration Provinces of Chinese Rural Informationization with an Example from Hunan Province  /253

Chapter The Institutional Innovation of the "Two-oriented" Transformation of Agriculture  /266

1. The Transformation of the Functions of Government and the Transformation of Agricultural Development Pattern  /266

2. The Institutional Innovation of the Development of Rural Human Resources Aimed at Cultivating the New Peasant  /272

3. The Institutional Innovation of Land Circulation and the Efficient Use and Protection of Cultivated Land Resources  /277

4. Construct the System of the National Science and Technology Innovation Facing the Frontier of the Development of the World  /287

5. Construct the System of the Financial Support to Agricultural Production Saving Resource and Protecting Environment  /292

6. Innovate and Perfect Rural Finance Mechanism and Rural Finance Service System  /296

7. Construct the Institutional System of "Two-oriented agriculture"–oriented Ecological Environmental Management and Protection  /301

8.  Construct the Evaluation System of the Government Supervising Agricultural Product Quality and Guiding Farm Produce Processing  /308

9. Accelerate the Innovation of Agricultural Social Management on the Basis of the "Two-oriented " Transformation of Agriculture  /312

Reference  /318


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